I must admit that writing a blog about gratitude is the last thing I want to do right now. I know that this is also helping me to realize all the goods that I have in my life and the wonderful things that this world has to offer. That still doesn’t mean I want to do this. My husband and I have lost two important people in the past week, I actually received the call from my mom about one of them this morning while I was opening my computer to write this. One of my husband’s dad’s friends past away last weekend and this morning my grandma lost her best friend. It breaks my heart to watch them mourn the loss of people that were staples in our lives.
Focusing on my sadness is not want I want to do right now.
Instead of focusing on my sadness I will focus on all my memories that I have. I am so grateful that these two people were in my lives whether how long or short of a time. They taught me lessons that no one else could teach me and loved me like only they could. Rick and his wife helped us move from Nebraska to Kansas. Patty was invited to every big event I ever had in my life.
I’m so grateful for their time with me!
Sometimes we stuck in negative thinking, we believe that the world is just out to get us and nothing can go correctly. We forget about the awesome dinner we had last night or that long talk with a good friend a couple of days earlier because we decided to bathe in the negative right now.
Gratitude List
Let’s take our mind out of the gunk and think back one week and write down all the awesome things that we were able to do. A gratitude list is something that we can add to and look at when we aren’t feeling our best.
Positive Affirmations
You are good enough
You are smart enough
By Golly people like you!
Ted Talk
I use Ted Talks a lot in the office. If I have some down time or I’m doing paperwork I pick a talk on YouTube and let it play in the back ground. Let’s face it – paperwork is not fun!
Be Kind
Just because we are feeling down doesn’t mean that we need to take down others. Someone we meet might be having a worse day than you and your bright smiling face will help them to see the good in the world.